Reverse Funnel Process
The Maybank Reverse Funnel Process takes a company through a step-by-step approach designed to reverse-engineer their revenue goals and calculate the level of marketing investment and mix of marketing activities needed to generate the desired revenue outcome.

Why should businesses reverse-engineer their target revenue?
For businesses looking to optimize their marketing and sales process and improve revenue growth, there is the obvious question of how much activity is required in the funnel to achieve a sales result?
Most companies don’t have a clear path between their revenue target and what it will take to reach, and hopefully exceed, that target.
Not only does the Maybank Reverse Funnel Process determine the most efficient way to achieve a revenue target and growth rate across the entire organization, but it will also dramatically increase alignment and commitment to the overall revenue target.
I would encourage other companies to explore the Maybank Reverse Funnel Process. We used it for our 2021 Annual Planning process and it was instrumental in helping us align our sales and marketing goals.
Reverse Funnel Process

Discovery and Metrics
The marketing and sales teams will independently provide historical data that quantifies past performance by month as well as a 12-month forecast.
Integrated Marketing and Sales Model Creation
Using the metrics provided in Step 1, Maybank creates a marketing and sales model that links marketing investments to sales output to visualize what the overall revenue could look like based on the different budgets, allocations and metrics entered.

Marketing and Sales Budget Alignment
Each marketing and sales leader then builds their respective budgets to support the assumptions built into the model.
Reverse Funnel Process
Maybank reverse engineers the business’s annual revenue target and average deal size per customer to work with your business to determine the resources required to support the marketing and sales model.

Accelerating Sales & Revenue Growth with Digital Transformation
Download our eBook for an in-depth look at how the right digital tools, strategies and processes can align your marketing and sales teams to generate more quality leads and achieve your desired revenue goal.